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Checkout experience

Our goal for this project was to create an easy to use and consistent buyer experience. We required to navigate the varied and diverse set of offerings —that ranged from amusement parks to merch— and keeping consistency across several IPs like Angry Birds, Nickelodeon and Dreamworks.
American Dream
Project type
Partnership (ongoing support)
Our role
Product design
Team involved

American Dream needed to revisit the checkout experience by providing a more memorable presentation, while also supporting new offerings and consumer features.

We started this project exploring different approaches to the presentation and user interaction.

The visit planner was another fun piece to work with, in which we designed a step-by-step user flow that provides custom recommendations based on user preference, and was a great place to showcase the unique IPs available at American Dream.

Finally we had to define the design for more classical checkout elements, like the cart management, payment information and account creation.

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